Dev Blog 2

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

AI - First Steps!

The first steps towards implementing the AI have been committed. The AI will be split into actions that are built each time the CPU turn begins. Movement for CPU units will be made of 3 algorithms, one for moving closer, another for taking cover, and another one to flee from player-controlled units. They will be triggered depending on several factors.

The shooting component will be a separate component but, in a nutshell, the shooting mechanics will be validated each time CPU units move onto a new tile. CPU units will also have personality profiles that dictated how defensive or aggressive they behave in battle.

Stay safe!

Friday, March 4, 2022

A Closer Look At Ghosting

Considering the amount of units missions can hold for both playable and CPU-controlled factions, I've implemented a 'ghost' feature that helps players keep track of the enemies' positions. These ghosts act as a marker in the map and disappear once any ally unit gets them into their Line of Sight (LOS).

Even after ghost markers disappear and players become unsure of the enemy's whereabouts, they help identify enemy-controlled areas. See them in action below.

I've updated the game's development plan and soon will start coding the AI, which is probably the last complex task remaining before Archrebel is in a playable state.

Stay safe!