Dev Blog 2

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

AI Throwing Grenades!

This new video showcases Archrebel's AI throwing explosive grenades at a group of targets. The computer performs a calculation to understand where the grenade should be thrown in to attempt to inflict the highest possible damage.

This is another major step into AI's development, which is mostly implemented. I still need to implement bases and see how the AI behaves indoors as there are many other obstacles to consider.

Stay safe!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Smoke Grenades Done

Just finished implementing the smoke grenades. These will block every unit's line of sight, so, use them wisely. Since smoke grenades are a defensive weapon, they will mostly be used for escaping or retreating units into safer areas.

The CPU units seem to handle smoke grenades well, side-stepping the smoke in order to find a suitable place with a line of sight. My next step will be coding the CPU units to use both explosive and smoke grenades. I'll have to think about the best approach to use them effectively.

Stay safe!

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Devil Is In The Details ;)

I'm further polishing the grenade explosions with some environmental interactions; in this case with water, which reacts with the grenade explosions.

The smoke grenade is also under development and I think that I will be able to show it somewhere this week.

Stay safe!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Grenade Damage and Outlined Fog-of-War

As mentioned in my previous post, grenades are not supposed to be devasting. One of the enemies got killed in this video because I forgot to set the minimum damage value back to its nominal score.

The video also shows the fog-of-war's outline. I think this is my favorite set so far and while I'm not sure about its color, players will let players customize it.

Stay safe!