Dev Blog 2

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sniper Rifle Gets Penalties

It felt that the Sniper Rifle was getting too powerful for my taste. Ergo, it has now penalties when shooting below the minimum range. Yap, there it also has a minimum range now, highlighted in purple as seen in the video below.

This restriction will play an important role in making Sniper Rifles more tactical. As a consequence, this will boost the importance of Assault Rifles, which should be praised for being a common and flexible weapon in the game.

Stay safe!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Bastion Ability

The Bastion ability is only available on Tank Droids. Spending a 'Bastion charge', tank droids can activate the energy shields or friendly units for free. This is a great way of saving the energy shield charges or executing emergency protection when friendlies' shields are out of juice.

The ability still lacks sound effects as I still haven't managed to come up with a sound I'm happy with. I'll post another video when the whole effect is complete with sounds and lights.

Stay safe!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Archrebel's Interplanetary Shuttle

I've been brewing this ship design for some time now. I didn't know exactly what it would look like, but I knew I had to have one for the game's plot. This week was dedicated to its creation; another milestone was reached.

No, players cannot directly fly this ship; it is intended for plot requirements only, like deploying your team in far regions, assuming you will capture one. :)

Stay safe!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Tank Droid

We have a new droid, the Tank Droid! So, what's special about it? Well, it is huge! The Tank Droid's role is to protect other units; it does this by staying in front of other units to shield them from incoming fire. It doesn't possess any range offensive capability but can recharge other units' shields and trample smaller targets.

Needless to say, the Tank Droid is a tough unit! In fact, it is the most durable droid you will see on the battlefield, able to go over 200 hit points while sharing the same armor technology found in Combat Droids.

Stay safe!