Dev Blog 2

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Defense Lasers

Defense lasers are designed to intercept and destroy incoming explosive projectiles but they can also deal with grenades!  

This might change in the future, but for now, defense lasers don't require any AP for activation and are handled automatically. Their restrictions come with the limited number of times they can shoot per mission.

Stay safe!

New Tasks Ahead!

I've been thinking about the needed UI screens for the campaign. I've included three new UI screens in the Development Plan section: the recruitment, the reward, and the mission selection screens. Below is the foreseen campaign structure.

1 - Mission Selection:
Often, players will be given the opportunity to choose a goal for the next mission. I say often as there might be missions composed of multiple parts or simply because of plot requirements. Some foreseen examples of mission goals could be: exploring an area, assaulting a settlement, or getting supplies.

2 - Mission completion (reward screen):
Upon completing missions, players should be given the chance to select a type of reward, which mostly will be tied to salvaging equipment and/or getting experience.

3 - Recruitment screen:
 The player should be taken to a screen where he can manage the wounded and recruit new units, including managing the resources to get/manufacture new droids.

Note that none of the above is set into rock yet, so expect it to be changed.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Combat Droid's Blastorch Weapon Redesigned

I've neglected the Combat Droid for too long. This was the only droid that the Raiders controlled in the original Rebelstar game. It was the toughest droid in the game, boasting 12 armor points, meaning that it would absorb 12 points of damage from any source of damage. Like the original, the Combat Droid in Archrebel has a powerful close-range weapon, the Blastorch, which is the premise of the video below.

I've spent a considerable amount of money on my last sound packages from BoomLibrary, which now give me the freedom to create all kinds of sci-fi sounds. I'm particularly happy with how the Blastorch ended up sounding!

Stay safe!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Info Panel

There was the necessity for consulting the enemy's attributes and have turned it into a gameplay mechanics where players have to scan enemy units to collect detailed information.

In order to make this feature more appealing, I'm including a 10% damage bonus for hitting enemy units that have been scanned. I'm toying with other factors as well; perhaps each unit's perception could add an additional 1% per perception point.

Stay safe!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Introducing the Scan Goggles

The only way players can read a foe's attributes, wounds, and gear is by using the Scan Goggles (I'm not pleased with this name, but will have to do it for now).

Some droids will also come with the ability to scan units, either natively or through equipment upgrades. I still need to decide which ones will feature this functionality; there are at least 3 more droids I want to implement and once these are done I'll see how it goes.

Stay safe!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Item upgrades

Weapons can now be upgraded 3 times, from standard, to revised, advanced, to superior. and I'm figuring out if I should apply the same criteria to other item categories like ammo and tools.

The video might not be that exciting but I think it is important to show that tooltips are there for you and that you don't have to go online to search for information that should be available directly available on the game to start with.

Stay safe!