Dev Blog 2

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Air Defense Explosions

I don't think there will be bigger explosions in Archrebel as big as the ones seen in the video below, but then again, I've been wrong before countless times.

My next step is creating the flare gun that will be used to call the shuttle for evacuating your men in the demo's mission. Just make sure the enemy's air defense system has been taken care of prior to that.

Stay safe!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Air Defense System In Action

You don't build bases in Archrebel but capture/liberate them, and sometimes you will have to face some air defense systems that will pose a lethal threat to your shuttles. Make sure you disable them prior to calling one.

The demo is now 75% complete. It feels like a never-ending task with always something to fix, change, or add.

Stay safe!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Interacting With Objects

Object interaction will be crucial in the game, especially when exploring enemy bases. Almost every container, terminal, and door will be interactive.

Some sounds are still missing for activating the options dialog panel, as well as for the air defense system seen in the video. The animation turned out well, considering it's all hand-drawn.

Stay safe!