Dev Blog 2

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Water Visuals & Sound Improvements.

While focusing my attention on including the missing water sounds in several units, I decided to improve the water interaction visuals as well.

The new visuals feature an additional particle system that remains on top of the units, creating a kind of 'depth' between the unit and the water. This enhances the realism of interactions when units move in the water.

Stay safe!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Boarding the Shuttle

Yup, units can finally board the shuttle. I think I'll change this in the future so that you can click anywhere in the shuttle having units going to its entrance automatically.

The shuttle will be an important asset when playing the campaign, and its usage will be story-driven. I still have to decide how it will be unlocked for each of the 3 factions the player can join forces with.

Stay safe!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

All Shuttle Animations.

The shuttle's landing animation was missing for a long time, and being a crucial part of the Archrebel's demo, I took care of it this week.

I already added the gear-down sound effect and will polish it further with side and front thrusters after the demo is released.

Stay safe!