Dev Blog 2

Monday, September 27, 2021

"There will be improved rain effects..."

Having trees moving with the wind while dripping water seems to be a nice touch. However, the challenges behind it were considerable; not because those effects were difficult to implement but because they added a heavy performance hit. Luckily, I found a way to mitigate part of the problem making them somewhat bearable.

Regardless, these effects still penalize performance considerably. Having that many particle systems still take its toll. I have no choice but to have them optional through the settings menu, so that slower computers can maintain a decent animation rate.

Stay safe!


  1. Looks awesome, I especially like particle effects where water contacts the rock and trees in the wind. BTW do you need original soundtrack for your project? As a sound designer you probably have sound effects covered, but did you think about music already? Will it be authentic C64 sound or will take more "liberties"?

  2. Hey. Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the delayed response. Soundtracks are something I still need to consider. The sound for the game will be immersive and realistic, the music won't be retro at all, that's all I've thought about it so far ahah.

    Do you use twitter? You can reach me out using @UBadler. I'm very active over there.
