Dev Blog 2

Saturday, September 11, 2021

UI and GFX improvement.

Hello everyone. These last 2 weeks have been tremendously productive. Some of the GFX has been upgraded to 2bit, providing now some additional layer for depth which I grew very fond of. So, This is where I'm heading with the game's art style. The new rocks are not finished as I'm still experimenting with them but they are close to what I intend to accomplish.

The UI is being developed and the image represents the undergoing implementation of it. The current information displayed is the character's information, available through the 'CHAR' button. Here, you will access all information regarding main attributes, secondary attributes, skills, and armor. Some armors are powered and can emit a protective energy shield. Also noticed that the background is now officially black instead of dark gray.

Most of the upcoming development will focus on the UI's development. I'll keep you guys posted as new UI parts are put into the game.

Stay safe!


  1. The UI already looks neat and clear. I'm not sure what does the > next to Light armor means (attributes and skills don't have that green line and/or the arrow).
    I imagine that some of the UI changes according to what you hover on?

    I think black is the better choice for the background. In turn, however, it makes the rest seem too bright. I tried to tweak the overall values according to how important I imagine the objects that they're part of are, respectively.
    I hope this link works

    The less important an object is - the less should be its value (or range of values). UI gets the highest range of values.

    Note that reduced overall values allows adding overlay gradients effectively without 'burning' the image.

  2. The '>' symbol serves only as a visual reference for the armor type, making a 'break point' from the armor's name to its type. Since the space is limited I just added a symbol. I could add just another color, but adding too many colors usually makes them less relevant in the end.

    Yeah, I've been tinkering with the settings and in this screenshot, the bloom effect is very high which was then toned down in the last post. Regardless, the player will be able to change its intensity or disable it completely.
