Dev Blog 2

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Damage System Complete!

Finally, after nearly a month of tinkering and coding, Archrebel's damage system is now fully implemented! 

Both humans and droids are divided into 6 body parts that can be wounded/damaged and crippled. Each body part controls a certain aspect of the unit's functionality granting penalties in distinct ways in case they get compromised.

Light damage happens when a body part loses 50% of its health, followed by moderate damage at 25% with critical damage (crippled) when the body part runs out of HP (0%).

For humans, body parts govern the followed aspects:

  • Head: affects skill efficiency.
  • Torso: affects the AP (action points) recovered at the beginning of a turn.
  • Arms: affects the cost for performing actions, like shooting and picking up items.
  • Legs: affects the cost of moving.

For droids, the following is considered (droids use a combination of modules up to 6 in total):

  • Sensor module: affect skill efficiency.
  • Power module: affects the AP (action points) recovered at the beginning of a turn.
  • Combat module: affects the cost for actions that use weapons.
  • Defense module: affects the cost for actions like activating shields or auto repairing.
  • Utility module: affects the cost for actions that use utility equipment.
  • Mobility module:  affects the cost of moving.
  • Navigation module: affects the cost of moving.
I'm not sure which part I will now focus on, but I'm sure more information will be available in the next post!

Stay safe!

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