Dev Blog 2

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

AI Combat Demo

Two months have nearly elapsed since I started working on the AI; this was in fact my initial prediction to implement the whole AI. Most of the hard algorithms have been implemented and only some specific AI features are missing, like healing, reloading, and consuming boosters. I think I'm on the right track and the AI should be finish in 7 days or so.

The video below shows the Alien creatures being CPU controlled against our protagonist Blue Team; I will find a more appropriate team name once I start working on the game's story.

The algorithm uses profiles. These dictate the general in-game behavior. So far, I've implemented, Retreat, Defensive, Offensive, and Berserk, but I will add another one named Protect, which will tell a unit to protect someone or something by placing themselves in front of their target in other to block incoming fire.

Stay safe!

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